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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hakyll-init. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Hakyll-init is a command line tool used in the Haskell programming language for initializing Hakyll projects. It is part of the Hakyll static site generator framework.

The tool is used to set up the necessary project structure and files for building static websites using Hakyll.

When running hakyll-init, it prompts the user for a project name and generates a directory with that name containing the basic project files.

The generated project includes a site.hs file, which is where the user defines their site configuration, such as setting up compilers and routes for different types of content.

Hakyll-init also creates a templates directory, where the user can define HTML templates for the site layout.

The directory also includes a content directory, where the user can organize their site's content, such as blog posts or other pages.

Another important file generated by hakyll-init is main.hs, which is used to compile the project and generate the final output.

Hakyll-init sets up a basic project structure, but it is highly customizable, allowing the user to modify and extend it according to their needs.

It is recommended to run hakyll-init in an empty directory, as it may overwrite existing files with the same names.

Overall, hakyll-init is a convenient tool for quickly setting up a Hakyll project and getting started with building static websites in Haskell.

List of commands for hakyll-init:

tool overview