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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hlint. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


HLint is a command-line tool used for linting Haskell code. It analyzes Haskell source files and provides suggestions for improving the code quality. The tool is designed to enforce best practices and idiomatic style in Haskell programming. It offers static analysis to detect potential issues, making it easier for developers to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code.

HLint can be easily integrated into various code editors and build systems, allowing developers to get real-time feedback and suggestions during development. It supports various configuration options, enabling users to customize the linting rules to fit their specific needs.

The tool performs a multitude of checks, including identifying redundant code, suggesting more concise expressions, recommending better functions and imports, highlighting potential performance bottlenecks, and enforcing common code style conventions.

HLint comes with an extensive set of predefined rules, providing a solid foundation for code quality improvement. However, users also have the flexibility to disable specific rules or create custom rules based on their codebase requirements.

One of the notable features of HLint is its interactive mode, where it presents suggestions interactively, allowing the developer to accept or reject them one-by-one. This feature provides a collaborative experience for improving code quality.

The output of HLint is presented in a user-friendly and easily consumable format, making it straightforward to understand and apply the suggested improvements. It also provides options to automatically apply fixes to the codebase, further streamlining the code improvement process.

HLint has gained significant popularity within the Haskell community and is widely adopted by developers aiming to enhance their code quality and adherence to best practices. It serves as an invaluable tool for anyone striving to write idiomatic and maintainable Haskell code.

List of commands for hlint:

  • hlint:tldr:5d45c hlint: Check all Haskell files and generate a report.
    $ hlint ${path-to-directory} --report
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • hlint:tldr:a3852 hlint: Generate a settings file ignoring all outstanding hints.
    $ hlint ${filename} --default > ${-hlint-yaml}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • hlint:tldr:b9067 hlint: Automatically apply most suggestions.
    $ hlint ${filename} --refactor
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • hlint:tldr:e9738 hlint: Display suggestions for a given file.
    $ hlint ${filename} options
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • hlint:tldr:fdf05 hlint: Display additional options.
    $ hlint ${filename} --refactor-options
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview