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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hostname. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "hostname" command line tool is used to display or set the name of a system's host. It is available in various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. Here are some key points about this command:

  1. The basic usage of the "hostname" command without any arguments is to display the current host name of the system.
  2. On Windows, the command is typically "hostname" or "hostname.exe", while on Unix-like systems it is generally "hostname" or "/bin/hostname".
  3. The host name is a unique identifier for a system on a network and is often used in networking protocols.
  4. Changing the host name can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as when renaming a system or when joining a network with specific naming requirements.
  5. The procedure for changing the host name may vary depending on the operating system being used.
  6. In Linux, the host name can be set temporarily using the "hostname" command followed by the desired name. However, this change is not persistent across reboots.
  7. To set a persistent host name in Linux, the configuration files like "/etc/hostname" or "/etc/sysconfig/network" need to be edited.
  8. On Windows, changing the host name is typically done through the Control Panel or using the "SystemPropertiesComputerName" command.
  9. The host name is often used in command prompts and network scenarios to identify the system in use.
  10. It is important to note that changing the host name might require administrative privileges in certain operating systems.

List of commands for hostname:

tool overview