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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"hr" is a command line tool used to generate and display horizontal rules. It is popularly used in Linux and Unix-based operating systems, including macOS. The primary purpose of "hr" is to create visual separation between different sections of output or text. The tool allows users to choose from various horizontal rule styles, such as dashes, asterisks, equal signs, and tildes. It supports customizing the length and spacing of the horizontal rule, making it flexible for different formatting needs. By default, "hr" creates a rule that spans the width of the terminal window, but users can specify the desired length as per their requirements. Additionally, it supports using ANSI escape sequences for adding colors to the horizontal rule. "hr" can be used in shell scripts and command pipelines to enhance the visual appearance of output or to improve readability. The command is typically used with other commands like "echo" or "printf" to create formatted headers and separators. Overall, "hr" is a handy command line tool that helps in organizing and structuring text or output by visually separating different sections using horizontal rules.

List of commands for hr:

tool overview