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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool htpasswd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. htpasswd is a command line tool used for managing passwords in Apache web servers.
  2. It is typically used to generate and update the password file used for basic authentication.
  3. The tool is available on most Unix-like systems, including Linux and macOS.
  4. htpasswd uses a cryptographic hash function (MD5, SHA, or crypt) to securely store user credentials.
  5. It allows administrators to create and modify usernames and their associated encrypted passwords.
  6. The generated password file can be used by Apache to authenticate users when accessing protected directories on a website.
  7. Users' passwords are never stored in plain text but are highly encrypted to protect them from unauthorized access.
  8. The tool supports various options, including adding or deleting users, changing passwords, and setting encryption algorithms.
  9. htpasswd can be run interactively, prompting for input, or used non-interactively with command line arguments.
  10. It is a fundamental tool for securing web applications and controlling access to sensitive content.

List of commands for htpasswd:

  • htpasswd:tldr:31839 htpasswd: Add user to htpasswd file in batch mode without an interactive password prompt (for script usage).
    $ htpasswd -b ${filename} ${username} ${password}
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  • htpasswd:tldr:408a0 htpasswd: Create/overwrite htpasswd file.
    $ htpasswd -c ${filename} ${username}
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  • htpasswd:tldr:76ca5 htpasswd: Add user to htpasswd file or update existing user.
    $ htpasswd ${filename} ${username}
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  • htpasswd:tldr:bef93 htpasswd: Delete user from htpasswd file.
    $ htpasswd -D ${filename} ${username}
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  • htpasswd:tldr:d6b63 htpasswd: Display a string with username (plain text) and password (md5).
    $ htpasswd -nbm ${username} ${password}
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  • htpasswd:tldr:fdeee htpasswd: Verify user password.
    $ htpasswd -v ${filename} ${username}
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tool overview