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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool http-server-upload. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The HTTP Server Upload is a command-line tool used for running an HTTP server in a local environment for file uploads. It provides a simple way to transfer files from a client to a server using HTTP POST requests.

Once installed, the tool starts an HTTP server that listens to a specified port number on the localhost. It allows users to upload files by choosing them from their local machine through a browser interface provided by the tool.

The HTTP Server Upload tool supports multiple file uploads, enabling users to select and upload multiple files simultaneously. It also includes options to limit the maximum file size that can be uploaded and to specify the destination directory for storing the uploaded files.

Upon successful upload, the tool displays the uploaded file names, size, and MIME type in the browser. It can be used for various purposes, such as testing file upload functionality during web development or sharing files locally within a network.

This command-line tool is written in Node.js and can be easily installed globally via npm (Node Package Manager). It is cross-platform compatible, working on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems.

HTTP Server Upload offers a straightforward solution for quickly setting up an HTTP server that supports file uploads, making it a handy tool for developers and users needing to transfer files locally.

List of commands for http-server-upload:

  • http-server-upload:tldr:9f577 http-server-upload: Start an HTTP server on the default port to upload files to the current directory.
    $ http-server-upload
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