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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool httprobe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Httprobe is a command-line tool used to identify whether a list of given URLs supports HTTP or HTTPS protocols. It is especially useful for quickly validating a large number of websites or checking the availability of specific domains.

Httprobe works by reading a list of URLs, one per line, from a file or through standard input. It then sends an HTTP/HTTPS request to each URL and prints the ones that respond successfully. The output includes the URL along with its respective protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).

This tool employs concurrency to speed up the process by sending multiple requests simultaneously. By default, it uses 50 concurrent workers, but you can customize this value using the -c flag.

Httprobe is typically used in combination with other tools or scripts to automate the reconnaissance or enumeration phase of web application security testing. One such use case is when performing subdomain enumeration, using tools like sublist3r or amass, to quickly identify active subdomains.

The output of httprobe can be piped to other tools or redirected to a file for further analysis. This allows users to easily filter, sort, or manipulate the results based on their specific needs.

This command-line tool is written in Go, making it fast and efficient. It is open-source, hosted on GitHub, and is actively maintained by its developer, Tom Hudson.

Httprobe simplifies the process of determining whether a list of URLs supports HTTP or HTTPS, saving time and effort in manual verification. It is widely used by penetration testers, bug bounty hunters, and security researchers.

List of commands for httprobe:

tool overview