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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool idnits. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Idnits is a command line tool used to analyze an internet-draft or RFC for possible issues or errors. It stands for "I-D Nits" (Internet-Draft Nits).

The tool is specifically designed to check the formatting, structure, and language usage of the document, ensuring that it complies with the guidelines provided by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

It verifies the document against the "nits" document, which lists the most common mistakes made by authors and offers guidelines on how to avoid them.

Idnits examines various aspects of the document such as the header, abstract, introduction, references, acknowledgments, and other sections to ensure they adhere to the IETF guidelines.

The tool provides detailed feedback on any potential issues found, giving specific instructions on how to rectify them and improve the quality of the document.

It checks for errors like missing required sections, improper use of capitalization, incorrect reference formatting, and many other common mistakes.

Idnits also warns about potential issues that may need attention, such as outdated references or inconsistent language usage.

It is widely used by authors, editors, and reviewers of internet-drafts and RFCs to ensure the documents meet the necessary standards and improve their overall quality.

The tool is open-source and can be easily integrated into various development environments or used independently from the command line.

Idnits helps streamline the document review process, making it easier to create high-quality internet-drafts and RFCs that adhere to the standards set by the IETF.

List of commands for idnits:

  • idnits:tldr:6c2dc idnits: Check a file for nits.
    $ idnits ${filename-txt}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • idnits:tldr:81d16 idnits: Assume the document is of the specified status.
    $ idnits --doctype ${select} ${filename-txt}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • idnits:tldr:9726e idnits: Show extra information about offending lines.
    $ idnits --verbose ${filename-txt}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • idnits:tldr:a44e6 idnits: Expect the specified year in the boilerplate instead of the current year.
    $ idnits --year ${2021} ${filename-txt}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • idnits:tldr:f1278 idnits: Count nits without displaying them.
    $ idnits --nitcount ${filename-txt}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview