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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ifup. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ifup is a command line tool used in Linux-based operating systems to bring up or activate a network interface. It stands for "interface up."

It is typically used to establish a connection with a network by enabling the network interface, which could be a physical device such as an Ethernet card or a virtual interface like a VPN connection.

The ifup command is part of the ifupdown package, which is a Debian-based network configuration system commonly used in many Linux distributions.

With ifup, you can manually configure the network interface by specifying various settings such as IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS server, and other related parameters.

By executing the ifup command, the network interface configured in the corresponding configuration file (usually found in the /etc/network/interfaces directory) will be activated.

If there are multiple network interfaces defined in the configuration file, you can specify the interface name as an argument to ifup to activate a specific interface.

In addition to activating network interfaces at system startup, the ifup command can be used to bring up a network interface that was previously down or deactivated.

On the other hand, ifdown is the counterpart to ifup, which is used to deactivate or bring down network interfaces. Both commands work together to manage network connectivity in Linux.

List of commands for ifup:

  • ifup:tldr:0dfd4 ifup: Enable all the interfaces defined with "auto" in `/etc/network/interfaces`.
    $ ifup -a
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ifup:tldr:c3f34 ifup: Enable interface eth0.
    $ ifup ${eth0}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview