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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool import. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "import" command line tool is used to include external libraries or modules in a program. It is commonly found in programming languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript. The tool allows developers to bring in pre-existing code and utilize its functionalities within their own project.

When using the import command, the tool searches for the specified library or module in a predefined set of locations, known as the import path. This path can be modified or extended to include additional directories.

The import tool offers a convenient way to organize and reuse code. It enables developers to break down a large project into smaller, manageable modules, making the codebase more maintainable and easier to collaborate on.

By importing external modules, programmers can gain access to a wide range of additional functionalities to enhance their application. These modules can provide tools for file operations, scientific calculations, data manipulation, graphical user interfaces, network communication, and much more.

Sometimes, the imported library or module may have dependencies on other external resources. In such cases, the import tool can automatically load and resolve these dependencies, ensuring the required components are available for the program to run.

Importing a module is a one-time process. Once a module is imported, it remains available throughout the execution of the program, allowing developers to utilize its functions, classes, and variables whenever required.

In some programming languages, the import command can be customized further by specifying particular components from a module that need to be imported, reducing memory usage and improving performance.

The import tool also supports aliasing, allowing developers to assign alternative names to the imported modules or functions. This can help avoid naming conflicts or provide more intuitive names when working with multiple libraries.

The import command can be used interactively in some programming environments, allowing developers to test and experiment with external libraries before incorporating them into their final project.

Overall, the import command line tool is an essential feature in many programming languages, enabling the inclusion of external code and facilitating code reusability, modularity, and easy integration of various functionalities into a program.

List of commands for import:

  • import:tldr:6e241 import: Capture a specific window, given its ID as displayed by `xwininfo`, into the JPEG format.
    $ import -window ${window_id} ${output-jpg}
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    explain this command
  • import:tldr:7dc69 import: Capture contents of a remote X server screen in the PNG format.
    $ import -window root -display ${remote_host}:${screen}.${display} ${output-png}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • import:tldr:d7c48 import: Capture the entire X server screen in the PostScript image format.
    $ import -window root ${output-postscript}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview