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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool in2csv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


in2csv is a powerful command line tool used to convert input data in various formats into CSV (comma-separated values) format. It is part of the csvkit package, which is a collection of utilities specifically designed for working with CSV files in command line environments.

This tool supports various input formats including Excel spreadsheets (XLS and XLSX), JSON files, SQL databases, HTML tables, and fixed-width text files. It allows you to easily convert these formats into CSV, which is widely supported and can be used with countless data processing tools.

in2csv provides options to handle various data types, such as dates, times, and durations, while converting to CSV. It can process multiple input files at once, allowing batch conversion and merging of separate datasets. The tool offers flexibility in handling headers, allowing you to customize their retention or even add new ones.

Additionally, in2csv enables you to apply filters and query the input data, specifying which rows or columns to include or exclude in the output CSV. It also supports quoting, escape characters, and field delimiters customization.

in2csv outputs the resulting CSV to the standard output, which means you can further redirect the data to other command line tools or save it into a file for further manipulation. This makes it compatible with various data processing pipelines and workflows.

Overall, in2csv simplifies the process of converting and manipulating data from different formats to the widely used and versatile CSV format, making it an efficient tool for data analysis, integration, and transformation tasks on the command line.

List of commands for in2csv:

  • in2csv:tldr:0395a in2csv: Convert an XLS file to CSV.
    $ in2csv ${data-xls}
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  • in2csv:tldr:a907d in2csv: Convert a DBF file to a CSV file.
    $ in2csv ${data-dbf} > ${data-csv}
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  • in2csv:tldr:f121d in2csv: Convert a specific sheet from an XLSX file to CSV.
    $ in2csv --sheet=${sheet_name} ${data-xlsx}
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