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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool indent. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Indent is a command line tool that helps with the formatting and indentation of source code and text files. It is primarily used to adjust the spacing and alignment of code in order to improve readability and maintain a consistent style throughout a codebase.

With Indent, it's possible to automatically reformat and indent various languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, and more. It supports a wide range of configuration options, allowing users to customize the indentation rules and formatting style to meet their specific requirements.

The tool can be used to convert code written in a specific style to a different style, making it useful when collaborating on projects with different coding conventions. It can also fix inconsistencies in existing code by adjusting the indentation and formatting based on the defined rules.

Indent can handle complex code structures, including nested loops, conditionals, and function definitions. It intelligently maintains the indentation levels, properly aligning elements and preserving the code's overall structure.

In addition to improving the readability of code, Indent also helps with debugging by making the code easier to navigate and understand. It can be particularly useful when working on large codebases or when reviewing code written by others.

The tool is highly versatile and can be integrated into various workflows. It can be used as a standalone command line tool, integrated into text editors and IDEs, or incorporated into build systems and scripts.

Indent is an open-source project and is widely used and supported by the developer community. It is available for different operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

The tool provides extensive documentation and examples to assist users in getting started and making the most out of its features. It also has an active community and forums where users can seek help, share tips, and contribute to the tool's ongoing development.

Overall, Indent is a powerful command line tool that simplifies code formatting and indentation, promotes consistency, and enhances the readability of source code, making it an essential tool for developers working on various programming languages.

List of commands for indent:

  • indent:tldr:19620 indent: Format C/C++ source according to the style of Kernighan & Ritchie (K&R).
    $ indent ${path-to-source_file-c} ${path-to-indented_file-c} -nbad -bap -nbc -br -c33 -cd33 -ncdb -ce -ci4 -cli0 -cs -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -nfcb -i4 -nip -l75 -lp -npcs -nprs -npsl -nsc -nsob
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  • indent:tldr:812b2 indent: Format C/C++ source according to the style of Kernighan & Ritchie (K&R), no tabs, 3 spaces per indent, and wrap lines at 120 characters.
    $ indent --k-and-r-style --indent-level3 --no-tabs --line-length120 ${path-to-source-c} -o ${path-to-indented_source-c}
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  • indent:tldr:c5467 indent: Format C/C++ source according to the Berkeley style.
    $ indent ${path-to-source_file-c} ${path-to-indented_file-c} -nbad -nbap -bc -br -c33 -cd33 -cdb -ce -ci4 -cli0 -di16 -fc1 -fcb -i4 -ip -l75 -lp -npcs -nprs -psl -sc -nsob -ts8
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  • indent:tldr:c6305 indent: Format C/C++ source according to the GNU style, saving the indented version to a different file.
    $ indent --gnu-style ${path-to-source-c} -o ${path-to-indented_source-c}
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  • indent:tldr:db2ba indent: Format C/C++ source according to the Linux style guide, automatically back up the original files, and replace with the indented versions.
    $ indent --linux-style ${path-to-source-c} ${path-to-another_source-c}
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