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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool inkmake. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Inkmake is a command line tool primarily used for managing documentation projects. It offers an efficient way to create and manage documents with multiple components. The tool is designed to work well with the Ink format, which is a lightweight markup language used for writing documentation.

With inkmake, you can easily organize your documentation project into different sections and sub-sections for better structure and readability. It supports the creation of tables of contents, allowing for easy navigation within the document.

One of the key features of inkmake is its ability to automatically generate output formats like HTML, PDF, and EPUB from Ink source files. This makes it convenient to generate and distribute documentation in various formats without much effort.

The tool also comes with options to customize the appearance of the generated documents through different themes and templates. It supports syntax highlighting for code snippets, ensuring that technical content is visually appealing.

Inkmake supports incremental builds, meaning that it only rebuilds modified components, resulting in faster build times for large projects. It can also handle dependencies between different components, ensuring that changes in one component trigger the necessary rebuilds.

Furthermore, inkmake allows you to easily include images, links, footnotes, and other elements into your documentation. It supports cross-referencing and provides a robust search functionality to quickly find information within the documents.

The tool is highly extensible and can be integrated into existing toolchains and workflows. It is written in Python and has an active community of users and contributors, providing ongoing support and updates.

Overall, inkmake is a powerful command line tool for managing and generating documentation in various formats, enhancing productivity and collaboration in documentation projects.

List of commands for inkmake:

  • inkmake:tldr:0596e inkmake: Export an SVG file executing the specified Inkfile.
    $ inkmake ${path-to-Inkfile}
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  • inkmake:tldr:31455 inkmake: Execute an Inkfile, specifying SVG input file(s) and an output file.
    $ inkmake --svg ${filename-svg} --out ${path-to-output_image} ${path-to-Inkfile}
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  • inkmake:tldr:878ae inkmake: Display help.
    $ inkmake --help
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  • inkmake:tldr:c6f08 inkmake: Specify a custom Inkscape binary to use as the backend.
    $ inkmake --inkscape ${-Applications-Inkscape-app-Contents-Resources-bin-inkscape} ${path-to-Inkfile}
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