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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool iostat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


iostat is a command line tool that provides a detailed report regarding input/output (I/O) statistics of devices in a Unix-based system. It stands for Input Output Statistics.

The tool is often used for monitoring and analyzing the performance of disk and file system I/O in real-time.

iostat provides important information about the utilization, throughput, and latency of storage devices. It displays statistics for both block devices (disks) and character devices (terminals, serial ports).

By default, iostat shows the average I/O statistics since system boot. However, it can also be configured to display more granular data over regular intervals.

The tool presents statistics on various parameters such as read and write operations per second, kilobytes read/written, average service time, disk busy percentage, and more.

iostat is part of the sysstat package and is available for most Unix-like systems, including Linux.

It helps system administrators and developers identify potential points of congestion, bottleneck, or high load on storage devices.

The command line tool allows users to specify custom options to display additional information, such as per-partition statistics or statistics of specific devices.

Furthermore, iostat can generate reports in both human-readable and machine-readable formats, making it possible to store or process the data for further analysis and visualization.

List of commands for iostat:

  • iostat:tldr:0f207 iostat: Display extended disk statistics with disk names for device "sda".
    $ iostat -xN ${sda}
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  • iostat:tldr:2acbd iostat: Display disk statistics with disk names (including LVM).
    $ iostat -N
    try on your machine
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  • iostat:tldr:4ae5c iostat: Display a report of CPU and disk statistics since system startup.
    $ iostat
    try on your machine
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  • iostat:tldr:5144f iostat: Display incremental reports of CPU and disk statistics every 2 seconds.
    $ iostat ${2}
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  • iostat:tldr:8fe95 iostat: Display a report of CPU and disk statistics with units converted to megabytes.
    $ iostat -m
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  • iostat:tldr:d93b5 iostat: Display CPU statistics.
    $ iostat -c
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tool overview