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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ipcmk. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The ipcmk command line tool is a utility used for creating inter-process communication (IPC) objects in Unix-like operating systems. IPC provides a mechanism for communication and data sharing between different processes on the same system.

The ipcmk command is typically used to create various types of IPC objects, such as shared memory segments, message queues, and semaphores. These objects can be used by different processes to exchange data or coordinate their activities.

The tool allows users to specify various options and parameters to customize the IPC objects being created. These options include setting the size of shared memory segments, permissions for accessing IPC objects, and key values to uniquely identify the objects.

The ipcmk command outputs the unique identifier (IPC key) of the created IPC object, which can be used by other processes to connect and access the object. This key is essential for establishing communication and synchronization between processes.

The tool is commonly used in systems programming and multi-process applications where inter-process communication is crucial. It provides a standardized and efficient way to create and manage IPC objects.

The ipcmk command is part of the ipcs utility suite, which includes other tools for managing IPC objects such as ipcs (IPC status) and ipcrm (IPC removal). These tools together provide a comprehensive set of functionality for interacting with IPC objects.

ipcmk requires appropriate permissions to be executed, typically requiring root or administrator privileges. This limitation ensures that only authorized users can create and manage IPC objects.

IPC objects created using ipcmk are persistent and can survive system reboots until explicitly removed. This allows processes to continue using the objects even after system restarts.

The ipcmk command can be invoked from the command line interface or within shell scripts to automate the creation of IPC objects as part of system initialization or application startup processes.

Overall, ipcmk is a powerful command line tool that enables developers and system administrators to create and manage inter-process communication objects, facilitating efficient communication and coordination between processes.

List of commands for ipcmk:

  • ipcmk:tldr:09679 ipcmk: Create a shared memory segment.
    $ ipcmk --shmem ${segment_size_in_bytes}
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  • ipcmk:tldr:3b2e9 ipcmk: Create a semaphore.
    $ ipcmk --semaphore ${element_size}
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  • ipcmk:tldr:507bd ipcmk: Create a shared memory segment with specific permissions (default is 0644).
    $ ipcmk --shmem ${segment_size_in_bytes} ${octal_permissions}
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  • ipcmk:tldr:f0481 ipcmk: Create a message queue.
    $ ipcmk --queue
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tool overview