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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ipfs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


IPFS, or InterPlanetary File System, is a command line tool designed to create a distributed file system that aims to improve the efficiency, permanence, and security of file sharing on the internet. With IPFS, files are identified by their content through a cryptographic hash, making them uniquely identifiable and eliminating duplicate files. It utilizes a decentralized peer-to-peer network, where each node stores and serves files, allowing for faster file retrieval and improved fault tolerance. IPFS allows users to add, retrieve, and interact with files and directories through simple command line commands. It supports various built-in commands such as 'ipfs add' to add files to the IPFS network, 'ipfs cat' to view the contents of a file, and 'ipfs pin' to maintain persistent storage of desired files. IPFS also enables content addressing, which means files are accessed using their unique hash rather than relying on centralized servers or complex URLs. Users can share files by providing others with the hash that corresponds to a specific file, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the content. It provides built-in content distribution features, enabling efficient and scalable sharing of files across the network, even with limited bandwidth. IPFS employs a version control system, allowing users to track changes to files, making it useful for collaborative work and ensuring data consistency. Due to its open-source nature, IPFS has a growing community of developers contributing to its development and expanding its functionality.

List of commands for ipfs:

  • ipfs:tldr:07ed7 ipfs: Display pinned files.
    $ ipfs pin ls
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  • ipfs:tldr:205f4 ipfs: Save a remote file and give it a name but not pin it.
    $ ipfs get ${hash} -o ${filename}
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  • ipfs:tldr:2a760 ipfs: Add a directory and its files recursively from local to the filesystem and print the relative hash.
    $ ipfs add -r ${path-to-directory}
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  • ipfs:tldr:501d9 ipfs: Add a file from local to the filesystem, pin it and print the relative hash.
    $ ipfs add ${filename}
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  • ipfs:tldr:5c8c0 ipfs: Remove unpinned files from local storage.
    $ ipfs repo gc
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  • ipfs:tldr:81ee5 ipfs: Pin a remote file locally.
    $ ipfs pin add ${hash}
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  • ipfs:tldr:b42c7 ipfs: Unpin a file from the local storage.
    $ ipfs pin rm ${hash}
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tool overview