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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool irb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


IRB (Interactive Ruby) is a command line tool that provides an interactive environment for writing and executing Ruby code. It stands for Interactive Ruby, and it comes bundled with the Ruby programming language.

With IRB, developers can write Ruby code and see the results immediately, making it a useful tool for testing and experimenting with code snippets.

It offers a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) interface, where users can enter Ruby code line-by-line, which is then analyzed, executed, and the results are printed back to the user.

IRB supports all Ruby language features, allowing developers to define variables, create functions, and execute any Ruby expressions.

It provides various built-in commands to navigate and control the Ruby environment. For example, you can use the "ls" command to list all available methods for a particular object or class.

The tool allows developers to access and utilize Ruby gems and libraries easily. By requiring and loading necessary gems, developers can extend the capabilities of their code.

IRB keeps a history of previously executed commands, making it convenient to recall and reuse code.

Errors and exceptions are highlighted in the output to help developers identify and debug issues in their code.

The tool offers auto-completion support, which suggests methods, variables, and file names, speeding up the coding process.

IRB also provides a way to save your session's code into a file for future reference or reuse.

List of commands for irb:

tool overview