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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool irssi. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Irssi is a popular command line chat client and one of the oldest still actively maintained. It is primarily designed for use with Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and supports multiple protocols. Irssi provides a powerful and customizable interface for chatting with others in real-time over the internet.

One of the standout features of Irssi is its ability to handle multiple connections and channels simultaneously, allowing users to engage in conversations across various network servers and channels from within a single interface. It also supports scriptability, allowing users to extend its functionality through a wide range of scripts and plugins.

With its efficient usage of system resources, Irssi can run on low-powered machines and servers. It features a clean and minimalistic design, providing a distraction-free chatting experience in the command line environment. Irssi supports UTF-8 encoding, which enables users to communicate in different languages and use special characters without any issues.

The command line interface of Irssi offers numerous keyboard shortcuts and commands, allowing users to navigate the interface and perform various actions efficiently. It also provides extensive logging capabilities, making it easy to keep track of conversations and review them later.

Irssi has a vibrant community and a vast collection of themes, scripts, and plugins developed by its users. These customization options allow users to personalize the look and feel of the client and enhance its functionality to suit their preferences.

Overall, Irssi is a powerful and versatile command line tool that provides a reliable and efficient means of engaging in chat conversations over IRC and other supported protocols. Its versatility, customization options, and extensive community support make it a popular choice for those who prefer command line interfaces.

List of commands for irssi:

  • irssi:tldr:0f4b0 irssi: Open Irssi and connect with a specific server on a given port.
    $ irssi -c ${irc-example-com} -p ${port}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • irssi:tldr:37f4b irssi: View the help.
    $ irssi --help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • irssi:tldr:5c732 irssi: Open Irssi and connect to a server with a nickname.
    $ irssi -n ${nickname} -c ${irc-example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview