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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool j. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "j" is a powerful and flexible tool designed to make navigation and management of files and directories in the command line interface (CLI) easier and faster.

Some key features of "j" include:

  1. Jumping to frequently accessed directories: "j" allows you to assign shortcuts or aliases to directories and navigate to them quickly by simply typing the corresponding alias. For example, if you frequently work in the directory "/home/user/documents", you can assign the alias "doc" to it and then use "j doc" to navigate there instantly.

  2. Auto-completion: "j" provides auto-completion functionality, which means you can start typing the alias or even a partial name of a directory, and it will suggest matching options. This helps save time and prevent typing errors.

  3. Tracking directory usage: "j" keeps track of directories you frequently visit and assigns a "score" to each directory based on your usage pattern. This ensures that the most frequently accessed directories are easily accessible with shorter aliases.

  4. Integration with shell: "j" integrates seamlessly with different shell environments like bash and zsh, making it easy to incorporate into your existing workflow.

  5. Configurability: "j" allows you to configure various options, such as the path to store your alias database file and the number of directories to keep in the history.

Overall, "j" is a convenient command line tool that enhances productivity by providing quick and efficient navigation through directories in the CLI.

List of commands for j:

  • autojump:tldr:01521 autojump: Jump to a directory that contains the given pattern.
    $ j ${pattern}
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  • autojump:tldr:76c50 autojump: Show the entries in the autojump database.
    $ j -s
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  • autojump:tldr:dc014 autojump: Remove non-existing directories from the autojump database.
    $ j --purge
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  • warpd:tldr:363b1 warpd: Move cursor down.
    $ j
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tool overview