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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jar. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "jar" command line tool is a part of the Java Development Kit (JDK), used for working with Java Archive (JAR) files. It allows users to create, view, and manage JAR files from the command line interface.

  1. The "jar" tool is executed using the "jar" command followed by various options and arguments.
  2. It is mainly used for bundling Java class files, resources, and metadata into a single JAR file.
  3. JAR files are platform-independent and can be used for distribution and packaging of Java applications and libraries.
  4. The "jar" tool can be used to create a new JAR file by combining multiple files and directories using the "cf" (create file) option.
  5. It can also be used to extract files and directories from an existing JAR file using the "xf" (extract file) option.
  6. The "jar" tool supports compression of JAR files using the "u" (update) option, which updates an existing JAR file with modified files.
  7. It can also verify the integrity of a JAR file using the "t" (list table of contents) option, which displays the list of files in the JAR file.
  8. The "jar" tool also provides options for adding digital signatures to JAR files, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the files.
  9. It supports various other options like indexing, updating the manifest file, and more for advanced usage.
  10. The "jar" tool plays a crucial role in the Java ecosystem, enabling developers to package, distribute, and manage Java applications and libraries efficiently.

List of commands for jar:

  • jar:tldr:07217 jar: Unzip .jar/.war file to the current directory.
    $ jar -xvf ${file-jar}
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  • jar:tldr:0defe jar: Recursively archive all files in the current directory into a .jar file.
    $ jar cf ${file-jar} *
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  • jar:tldr:7812a jar: List a .jar/.war file content.
    $ jar tf ${filename-jar}
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  • jar:tldr:f5e03 jar: List a .jar/.war file content with verbose output.
    $ jar tvf ${filename-jar}
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