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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jhsdb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


jhsdb is a command line tool in the Java Development Kit (JDK) that stands for "Java HotSpot Debugger". It is primarily used for troubleshooting and debugging Java applications running on the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine. It provides various options and commands to analyze, monitor, and profile Java processes.

The tool offers features like attaching to a running Java process, post-mortem analysis of core files, and monitoring the state and behavior of Java threads. It can be used for analyzing code performance, memory usage, and detecting potential issues like deadlocks, memory leaks, and excessive CPU usage.

jhsdb supports multiple modes, such as Attach Mode, which allows connecting to a running Java process for monitoring and debugging, and Core Mode, which performs post-mortem analysis by examining core files generated during crashes or application termination. It also provides various actions like thread management, memory profiling, heap analysis, and executing system commands within the target process.

It can be particularly useful in debugging complex Java applications, optimizing code performance, and identifying critical runtime issues that impact the stability and efficiency of an application. jhsdb can be accessed via the command-line interface (CLI) and requires basic knowledge of Java debugging concepts.

Developers can use jhsdb in conjunction with other debugging tools and profilers to gain comprehensive insights into the behavior and performance of their Java applications. It provides a powerful set of commands and options for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes in the Java development and runtime environment.

List of commands for jhsdb:

  • jhsdb:tldr:8c95b jhsdb: Start a remote debug server.
    $ jhsdb debugd --pid ${pid} --serverid ${optional_unique_id}
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  • jhsdb:tldr:e8489 jhsdb: Open a core dump in interactive debug mode.
    $ jhsdb clhsdb --core ${path-to-core_dump} --exe ${path-to-jdk-bin-java}
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  • jhsdb:tldr:f268c jhsdb: Connect to a process in interactive debug mode.
    $ jhsdb clhsdb --pid ${pid}
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  • jhsdb:tldr:f80d5 jhsdb: Print stack and locks information of a Java process.
    $ jhsdb jstack --pid ${pid}
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