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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jmtpfs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


jmtpfs is a command-line tool used to mount MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices on Linux systems. It allows you to access and work with the files and directories on your Android devices, digital cameras, and other MTP-enabled devices directly from the command line.

With jmtpfs, you can create a virtual mount point for your MTP devices and access them just like any other locally mounted directory. This makes it easy to transfer files, copy, delete, and manage your media files without relying on any additional graphical file managers or tools.

It requires the FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) module to be installed on your system to function properly. Once installed, you can easily mount your MTP devices using the jmtpfs command followed by the device name or path.

When the MTP device is mounted, the file system structure will be reflected on the mount point, allowing you to navigate through the device's directories and access its files. You can use regular file manipulation commands such as ls, cp, mv, and rm to interact with the files and directories on your MTP device.

jmtpfs also supports read-only mode, allowing you to mount the MTP device in a read-only manner, especially useful when you want to access the files but do not want to modify them.

To unmount the device, you can simply use the umount command followed by the mount point directory. This will safely disconnect the MTP device from your system.

Overall, jmtpfs provides a convenient way to interact with MTP devices in a command-line environment, offering flexibility and control to the Linux users who prefer working through the terminal.

List of commands for jmtpfs:

  • jmtpfs:tldr:00111 jmtpfs: Set mount options.
    $ jmtpfs -o ${allow_other,auto_unmount} ${path-to-directory}
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  • jmtpfs:tldr:0fc0e jmtpfs: List available MTP devices.
    $ jmtpfs --listDevices
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  • jmtpfs:tldr:1020c jmtpfs: Mount an MTP device to a directory.
    $ jmtpfs ${path-to-directory}
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  • jmtpfs:tldr:1088b jmtpfs: If multiple devices are present, mount a specific device.
    $ jmtpfs -device=${bus_id},${device_id} ${path-to-directory}
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