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JOSM, which stands for Java OpenStreetMap Editor, is a command line tool that is used for editing and enhancing OpenStreetMap data. It is a powerful and feature-rich tool that allows users to make detailed edits to the OpenStreetMap database. JOSM is written in Java and is compatible with multiple operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Some notable features of JOSM include the ability to download and display OpenStreetMap data for editing, advanced tagging options, support for custom presets, and the ability to work offline. It also provides a comprehensive set of tools for drawing, modifying, and deleting map elements. Users can also add and edit metadata like tags, descriptions, and attribution.
JOSM provides extensive support for validation and verification of data, allowing users to identify and fix errors or inconsistencies. It also supports various file formats and offers options for importing and exporting data to and from OpenStreetMap.
Collaboration is another key aspect of JOSM, as it allows users to upload their changes back to the OpenStreetMap server and share their edits with the community. It supports version control, conflict resolution, and allows users to merge edits made by multiple individuals.
JOSM is highly customizable, and users can enhance its functionality through plugins and scripts. It has an active and supportive community that provides regular updates, bug fixes, and new features.
Overall, JOSM is a versatile command line tool that empowers users to make detailed edits to OpenStreetMap data, ensuring accuracy and enriching the quality of the map.
List of commands for josm:
josm:tldr:06649 josm: Launch JOSM without plugins.$ josm --skip-pluginstry on your machineexplain this command
josm:tldr:2e578 josm: Launch JOSM and download a specific bounding box as raw GPS.$ josm --downloadgps ${minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon}try on your machineexplain this command
josm:tldr:4ec1d josm: Launch JOSM and reset all preferences to their default values.$ josm --reset-preferencestry on your machineexplain this command
josm:tldr:5eafd josm: Launch JOSM and set a specific language.$ josm --language ${de}try on your machineexplain this command
josm:tldr:61fd6 josm: Launch JOSM and download a specific bounding box.$ josm --download ${minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon}try on your machineexplain this command
josm:tldr:ea080 josm: Launch JOSM in maximized mode.$ josm --maximizetry on your machineexplain this command