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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jp2a. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


JP2A is a command line tool that converts JPEG images to ASCII art. It stands for JPEG to ASCII converter. It is written in C and is available for multiple operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. JP2A supports various output formats, including full color ANSI, 256 color ANSI, and ASCII. It provides multiple algorithms for ASCII conversion, such as brightness, luminance, and contrast. The tool can also handle image resizing and scaling, allowing users to adjust the size of the generated ASCII art. It supports batch processing, enabling the conversion of multiple JPEG images at once. JP2A offers various options for customizing the output, including setting the output width, outputting color, or applying dithering. Additionally, the tool provides an interactive mode, allowing users to preview the ASCII conversion output before saving it. Overall, JP2A is a versatile and powerful command line tool for converting JPEG images to captivating ASCII art.

List of commands for jp2a:

  • jp2a:tldr:0ff66 jp2a: Specify characters to be used for the ASCII output.
    $ jp2a --chars='${---ooxx@@}' ${path-to-image-jpeg}
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  • jp2a:tldr:b7644 jp2a: Write the ASCII output in HTML file format, suitable for viewing in web browsers.
    $ jp2a --html --output=${path-to-output_file-html} ${path-to-image-jpeg}
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  • jp2a:tldr:ba26e jp2a: Write the ASCII output into a file.
    $ jp2a --output=${path-to-output_file-txt} ${path-to-image-jpeg}
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  • jp2a:tldr:d4c16 jp2a: Colorize the ASCII output.
    $ jp2a --colors ${path-to-image-jpeg}
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  • jp2a:tldr:da945 jp2a: Read JPEG image from a file and print in ASCII.
    $ jp2a ${path-to-image-jpeg}
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