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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool json5. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


JSON5 is a command line tool that allows for working with JSON files using a more relaxed syntax called "JSON5". The tool is designed to simplify the creation, manipulation, and validation of JSON5 files.

With JSON5, developers can write JSON files in a more flexible and human-friendly format. It introduces features such as comments, trailing commas, single-quoted strings, and more.

The command line tool provides various functionalities. It can be used to convert JSON5 files to standard JSON format, making them compatible with all JSON parsers. Conversely, it can also convert JSON files to JSON5, enabling the use of the more relaxed syntax.

JSON5 supports JSON schema validation, and the tool allows users to validate JSON5 files against a specified schema file. This validation ensures that the JSON5 data conforms to the defined structure and constraints.

The tool also includes functionality for pretty-printing JSON5 files, making them more readable with indentation and proper formatting. Additionally, it can minify JSON5 files, removing all unnecessary whitespace and reducing file size.

JSON5 supports importing other JSON5 or JavaScript modules. The command line tool enables the execution of imported modules, making it easier to work with complex JSON5 files that require modularization.

Error handling and reporting are crucial aspects of JSON5. The tool provides detailed error messages, thereby aiding developers in identifying and fixing issues in their JSON5 files.

JSON5 is implemented in JavaScript and can be used both in Node.js environments and in browsers. It is an open-source tool and is available on various platforms, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.

List of commands for json5:

  • json5:tldr:56a88 json5: Convert a JSON5 file to JSON and output to `stdout`.
    $ json5 ${path-to-input_file-json5}
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  • json5:tldr:64629 json5: Convert a JSON5 file to the specified JSON file.
    $ json5 ${path-to-input_file-json5} --out-file ${path-to-output_file-json}
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  • json5:tldr:e338d json5: Validate a JSON5 file.
    $ json5 ${path-to-input_file-json5} --validate
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  • json5:tldr:edb8e json5: View available options.
    $ json5 --help
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  • json5:tldr:ee86b json5: Specify the number of spaces to indent by (or "t" for tabs).
    $ json5 --space ${indent_amount}
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