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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kak. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kak is a command line text editor that provides a robust and efficient text editing experience. It stands for Kakoune, which is derived from the Finnish word for crow. Kak is designed to be intuitive, extensible, and versatile for both beginner and advanced users alike. It is inspired by the vi/Vim family of editors and shares some similarities in its command structure.

Kak supports multiple modes, including insert, normal, and visual modes, allowing users to efficiently navigate, edit, and manipulate text. It emphasizes a modal editing approach, where different modes provide specific functionalities, making text editing faster and more efficient.

Kak's key features include a client-server architecture, allowing multiple user interfaces to connect to the same editing session simultaneously. It also has a powerful selection system, which enables users to work with multiple selections and perform complex editing operations across different parts of text.

The tool is also highly customizable, with users being able to configure key bindings, define custom commands, and extend its functionality through plugins. Kak supports various programming languages with syntax highlighting, indentation, and code completion capabilities.

Kak incorporates concepts like multiple cursors, which enable users to edit multiple occurrences of a word or phrase simultaneously. It also provides a built-in context menu and supports various advanced editing commands like search and replace, macros, and undo/redo functionalities.

Overall, Kak aims to provide a modern, efficient, and extensible text editing experience through its versatile modes, extensive customization options, and powerful editing functionalities, making it a popular choice among command line enthusiasts and programmers.

List of commands for kak:

  • kak:tldr:03bc1 kak: Open a file and enter normal mode, to execute commands.
    $ kak ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview