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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool keepassxc-cli. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


KeePassXC-CLI is a command line interface tool for KeePassXC, a popular open-source password manager. It allows users to interact with their password database in a terminal environment without the need for a graphical interface. The CLI tool provides various features, including the ability to create, edit, and delete entries, groups, and databases. Users can also generate strong and unique passwords using customizable password generation options. KeePassXC-CLI supports importing and exporting password databases, making it easy to migrate or share data with other users. It includes commands to search for specific entries or groups, enabling quick and efficient access to stored information. The tool also provides features to lock and unlock the password database, ensuring secure storage and access to sensitive data. KeePassXC-CLI supports various encryption algorithms, including AES and Twofish, ensuring data security. It can be used in scripting or automation tasks, allowing for seamless integration with other tools and workflows. KeePassXC-CLI is a versatile and powerful command line tool that provides convenient and secure password management capabilities.

List of commands for keepassxc-cli:

  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:09c7d keepassxc-cli: Search entries.
    $ keepassxc-cli lookup ${path-to-database_file} ${name}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:11237 keepassxc-cli: Add an entry with an auto-generated password.
    $ keepassxc-cli add --generate ${path-to-database_file} ${entry_name}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:5770d keepassxc-cli: Copy a TOTP code to the clipboard.
    $ keepassxc-cli clip --totp ${path-to-database_file} ${entry_name}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:993a8 keepassxc-cli: Delete an entry.
    $ keepassxc-cli rm ${path-to-database_file} ${entry_name}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:ae6ce keepassxc-cli: Generate a password with 16 printable ASCII characters.
    $ keepassxc-cli generate --lower --upper --numeric --special --length ${16}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:bbbb6 keepassxc-cli: List the contents of a folder.
    $ keepassxc-cli ls ${path-to-database_file} ${-path-to-directory}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:cd975 keepassxc-cli: Copy an entry's password to the clipboard.
    $ keepassxc-cli clip ${path-to-database_file} ${entry_name}
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  • keepassxc-cli:tldr:eb8e9 keepassxc-cli: Generate a passphrase with 7 words.
    $ keepassxc-cli diceware --words ${7}
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tool overview