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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool killall. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"killall" is a command-line tool found in Unix-like operating systems. It is used to terminate running processes by their names. The main purpose is to send a termination signal to all processes whose names match the provided argument. The command allows for killing processes by either their exact name or by using regular expressions. By default, killall sends the SIGTERM signal to the processes, which requests them to terminate gracefully. If needed, the default signal can be changed to a different one using options like -s or --signal. Killall provides various options to enhance its functionality, such as specifying a time delay before killing processes or restricting the command to only specific users. Additionally, it supports wildcard matches and can kill multiple processes at once. Although "kill" command can be used for killing processes individually, "killall" command provides a more convenient way to terminate multiple processes with similar names simultaneously.

List of commands for killall:

  • killall:tldr:44810 killall: Terminate a process using the default SIGTERM (terminate) signal.
    $ killall ${process_name}
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  • killall:tldr:4d007 killall: Force kill a process.
    $ killall -KILL ${process_name}
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  • killall:tldr:76a02 killall: [l]ist available signal names (to be used without the 'SIG' prefix).
    $ killall -l
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  • killall:tldr:9d9d3 killall: Interactively ask for confirmation before termination.
    $ killall -i ${process_name}
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  • killall:tldr:9e2c0 killall: List available signal names (to be used without the 'SIG' prefix).
    $ killall --list
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  • killall:tldr:a56fa killall: Terminate a process using the SIGINT (interrupt) signal, which is the same signal sent by pressing `Ctrl + C`.
    $ killall -INT ${process_name}
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  • openconnect:tldr:ba3a1 openconnect: Terminate the connection that is running in the background.
    $ killall -SIGINT openconnect
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