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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kompose. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kompose is a command line tool used for easily converting Docker Compose files into Kubernetes manifests. It simplifies the process of moving from a local development environment with Docker Compose to a Kubernetes cluster for production deployment. With Kompose, users can define their application's services, networks, and volumes using Docker Compose YAML syntax, and then convert those definitions into Kubernetes YAML files. This tool eliminates the need to manually rewrite or adapt the compose file for Kubernetes compatibility. Kompose supports various Docker Compose features like environment variables, volume mounts, health checks, and more. It also provides additional options for customizing the Kubernetes deployment, such as specifying resource limits, selecting a specific Kubernetes namespace, or setting labels. Kompose allows users to break down a single Docker Compose file into multiple Kubernetes manifests, organizing the application in a more modular way. Furthermore, Kompose supports multiple Kubernetes orchestration options like deployments, services, replica sets, and labels to provide a flexible deployment environment. It's an open-source project maintained by the Kubernetes community, ensuring ongoing updates and improvements. Overall, Kompose simplifies the transition from Docker Compose to Kubernetes, making it easier for developers to leverage the power of Kubernetes in their production environments.

List of commands for kompose:

  • kompose:tldr:61072 kompose: Delete instantiated services/deployments from Kubernetes.
    $ kompose down -f ${docker-compose-yml}
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  • kompose:tldr:c083f kompose: Deploy a dockerized application to Kubernetes.
    $ kompose up -f ${docker-compose-yml}
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  • kompose:tldr:f75c1 kompose: Convert a docker-compose file into Kubernetes resources file.
    $ kompose convert -f ${docker-compose-yml}
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