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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kops. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kops, short for Kubernetes Operations (kops), is a command-line tool used for managing Kubernetes clusters on various cloud platforms, including AWS and GCE. It provides a simple and efficient way to create, update, and delete clusters.

With kops, users can easily define cluster specifications through configuration files or command-line flags, allowing them to customize various aspects such as instance types, networking, and DNS settings. Furthermore, it brings the ability to easily scale clusters up or down, add or remove nodes, and perform rolling updates.

Kops also integrates seamless with additional Kubernetes ecosystem tools, such as Helm, allowing users to manage the entire lifecycle of their applications. It offers advanced features like automatic scaling operations and support for multiple availability zones, enhancing the cluster's resilience and reliability.

Another notable feature of kops is its support for Highly-Available (HA) setups, ensuring that the cluster remains operational even in the presence of hardware or software failures. It achieves HA through the use of multiple master nodes and distributed etcd clusters.

Kops follows Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) principles, enabling version control and reproducibility by generating Terraform or CloudFormation configuration templates. This allows for easy collaboration and deployment of clusters across different environments.

Kops is an open-source project backed by the Kubernetes community, making it a reliable and well-maintained tool. With its simplicity, flexibility, and extensive capabilities, kops simplifies the management of Kubernetes clusters, making it a popular choice among DevOps and infrastructure teams.

List of commands for kops:

  • kops:tldr:1ba13 kops: Create a new ssh public key.
    $ kops create secret sshpublickey ${key_name} -i ${~--ssh-id_rsa-pub}
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  • kops:tldr:2fc55 kops: Get the cluster configuration as YAML.
    $ kops get cluster ${cluster_name} -o yaml
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  • kops:tldr:3ffcb kops: Delete a cluster.
    $ kops delete cluster ${cluster_name} --yes
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  • kops:tldr:53c2c kops: Create a cluster from the configuration specification.
    $ kops create cluster -f ${cluster_name-yaml}
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  • kops:tldr:f802f kops: Export the cluster configuration to the `~/.kube/config` file.
    $ kops export kubecfg ${cluster_name}
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tool overview