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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kpackagetool5. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


kpackagetool5 is a command line tool used in the KDE framework, specifically designed for handling KDE Plasma packages and add-ons. This tool allows users to install, query, and manage these packages through the command line interface.

With kpackagetool5, you can install new plasma packages, such as themes, icons, wallpapers, and add-ons, directly from a local or remote source. It also supports the removal of previously installed packages, providing an efficient package management system.

The tool offers functionalities to query information about the installed packages, such as the package name, version, and description. This information can be useful for troubleshooting or getting an overview of the available packages.

kpackagetool5 can also be used to extract the contents of a package, which is especially handy when examining or modifying the files within a package.

Another notable feature is the ability to manage dependencies. The tool ensures that all dependencies required by a package are satisfied before the installation process starts, avoiding potential conflicts or issues.

Overall, kpackagetool5 simplifies the management and customization of KDE Plasma, empowering users to enhance their desktop environment with diverse packages and add-ons.

List of commands for kpackagetool5:

  • kpackagetool5:tldr:078cc kpackagetool5: List all known package types that can be installed.
    $ kpackagetool5 --list-types
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  • kpackagetool5:tldr:1407a kpackagetool5: Remove a plasmoid by name.
    $ kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --remove "${name}"
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  • kpackagetool5:tldr:6f3c8 kpackagetool5: Install the package from a directory.
    $ kpackagetool5 --type ${package_type} --install ${path-to-directory}
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  • kpackagetool5:tldr:ec36a kpackagetool5: List installed plasmoids (--global for all users).
    $ kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --list --global
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  • kpackagetool5:tldr:f725b kpackagetool5: Update installed package from a directory.
    $ kpackagetool5 --type ${package_type} --upgrade ${path-to-directory}
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