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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool krunvm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Krunvm is a command-line tool used for managing and switching between multiple versions of the Kotlin programming language. The tool allows developers to easily install, list, and switch between different versions of Kotlin on their machines. Krunvm uses the concept of virtual environments to isolate each Kotlin version, ensuring that they don't interfere with each other. It supports both Linux and macOS operating systems. Developers can install different versions of Kotlin by using the krunvm install command, specifying the desired version. Once installed, developers can use the krunvm use command to switch to a specific Kotlin version. Krunvm also provides the krunvm list command, which displays all the installed Kotlin versions and indicates the currently active one. Developers can also uninstall Kotlin versions using the krunvm uninstall command. Krunvm simplifies the process of managing Kotlin versions, allowing developers to work on different projects with different Kotlin requirements seamlessly. It is an open-source tool maintained by the Kotlin community and can be easily installed and used via the command line.

List of commands for krunvm:

  • krunvm:tldr:97d0f krunvm: Delete a specific image.
    $ krunvm delete "${image_name}"
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  • krunvm:tldr:9dd92 krunvm: Start a specific image.
    $ krunvm start "${image_name}"
    try on your machine
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  • krunvm:tldr:d6712 krunvm: Create MicroVM based on Fedora.
    $ krunvm create ${docker-io-fedora} --cpus ${number_of_vcpus} --mem ${memory_in_megabytes} --name "${name}"
    try on your machine
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  • krunvm:tldr:e7159 krunvm: Change a specific image.
    $ krunvm changevm --cpus ${number_of_vcpus} --mem ${memory_in_megabytes} --name "${new_vm_name}" "${current_vm_name}"
    try on your machine
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  • krunvm:tldr:fb927 krunvm: List images.
    $ krunvm list
    try on your machine
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tool overview