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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool kubetail. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Kubetail is a command line tool used to tail logs from multiple pods in a Kubernetes cluster. It allows developers and system administrators to easily track and monitor logs from multiple containers running in different pods simultaneously. With Kubetail, users can specify a list of pods or use regular expressions to select pods based on a pattern. The logs from these selected pods are continuously streamed and displayed in real-time in the terminal, similar to the 'tail -f' command. This tool eliminates the need to execute individual 'kubectl log' commands for each pod and provides a consolidated view of logs in a single terminal session. Kubetail supports both local and remote log streaming by connecting to the Kubernetes API server directly. It automatically detects when new pods are created or existing pods are terminated and adjusts the log streaming accordingly. Kubetail also provides color-coded logs and timestamps, making it easier to differentiate between logs from different pods and track events. It is a convenient and efficient tool for troubleshooting, debugging, and monitoring applications running in a Kubernetes environment.

List of commands for kubetail:

  • kubetail:tldr:04bfc kubetail: To tail multiple applications at the same time separate them by comma.
    $ kubetail ${my_app_1},${my_app_2}
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  • kubetail:tldr:0d200 kubetail: To tail multiple containers from multiple pods.
    $ kubetail ${my_app} -c ${my_container_1} -c ${my_container_2}
    try on your machine
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  • kubetail:tldr:c86b5 kubetail: Tail the logs of multiple pods (whose name starts with "my_app") in one go.
    $ kubetail ${my_app}
    try on your machine
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  • kubetail:tldr:eb558 kubetail: Tail only a specific container from multiple pods.
    $ kubetail ${my_app} -c ${my_container}
    try on your machine
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tool overview