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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool latexdiff. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Latexdiff is a command line tool used for comparing two LaTeX files and highlighting the differences between them. It is primarily designed for tracking changes in scientific documents written in LaTeX.

The tool takes two versions of a LaTeX document as input and produces an output file that shows the differences between them using color-coded highlighting. The differences are marked with red for deletions and blue for additions, making it easy to identify changes.

Latexdiff is particularly useful in collaborative writing projects or when revisions need to be made to a LaTeX document. It helps collaborators quickly identify and review changes made between different versions of a document.

The tool also supports various customization options, allowing users to specify the types of changes to highlight, the colors to use for highlighting, and the formatting of the output.

Latexdiff can be used with version control systems like Git, making it easier to track changes and compare different versions of a LaTeX document.

The tool also comes with built-in support for ignoring certain types of changes, such as whitespace changes or changes in figure placement, helping users focus on meaningful modifications.

In addition to highlighting differences, Latexdiff can also generate a PDF output file that includes the original and modified versions of the document side by side, enabling a detailed comparison.

Latexdiff is a powerful and widely used command line tool for managing changes in LaTeX documents. It simplifies the process of reviewing and incorporating revisions, making collaborative writing and document management more efficient and systematic.

The tool is open source and freely available, making it accessible to anyone working with LaTeX. It is actively maintained and has a large user community, ensuring continued support and development.

List of commands for latexdiff:

  • latexdiff:tldr:0bf7e latexdiff: Determine changes between different versions of a LaTeX file, and display minor changes in equations with both added and deleted graphics.
    $ latexdiff --math-markup=fine --graphics-markup=both ${old-tex} ${new-tex} > ${diff-tex}
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  • latexdiff:tldr:19d1a latexdiff: Determine changes between different versions of a LaTeX file (the resulting LaTeX file can be compiled to show differences underlined).
    $ latexdiff ${old-tex} ${new-tex} > ${diff-tex}
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  • latexdiff:tldr:3da2e latexdiff: Determine changes between different versions of a LaTeX file by highlighting differences in boldface.
    $ latexdiff --type=BOLD ${old-tex} ${new-tex} > ${diff-tex}
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