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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ldapdomaindump. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ldapdomaindump is a command line tool used for extracting information from LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) services. It is designed to gather data such as usernames, groups, and other information from LDAP servers. This tool is primarily used for penetration testing and security audits to assess the security posture of an organization's LDAP infrastructure.

Ldapdomaindump enables users to enumerate LDAP entries and fetch relevant data by making queries against the target LDAP server. It can retrieve information about domain users, groups, computers, and organizational units. This tool supports both anonymous and authenticated LDAP connections, allowing penetration testers to explore and gather data even from secured LDAP servers.

Through various command line parameters, users can customize the scope of the enumeration, specify search filters, and set the output to be in either JSON or CSV format. The tool can also recursively fetch the information from nested groups and generate detailed reports. Additionally, it provides options for adjusting the timeout settings and configuring connection pooling for efficient data retrieval.

Overall, ldapdomaindump is a versatile and powerful command line tool that aids in the extraction and enumeration of LDAP information during security assessments, providing valuable insights into an organization's directory service infrastructure.

List of commands for ldapdomaindump:

  • ldapdomaindump:tldr:40ef3 ldapdomaindump: Dump all information using the given LDAP account.
    $ ldapdomaindump --user ${domain}\\${administrator} --password ${select} ${select1}
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  • ldapdomaindump:tldr:4e340 ldapdomaindump: Dump all information, resolving computer hostnames.
    $ ldapdomaindump --resolve --user ${domain}\\${administrator} --password ${password} ${select}
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  • ldapdomaindump:tldr:5a4db ldapdomaindump: Dump all information to the given directory without JSON output.
    $ ldapdomaindump --no-json --outdir ${path-to-directory} --user ${domain}\\${administrator} --password ${password} ${select}
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  • ldapdomaindump:tldr:8c25b ldapdomaindump: Dump all information, resolving computer hostnames with the selected DNS server.
    $ ldapdomaindump --resolve --dns-server ${domain_controller_ip} --user ${domain}\\${administrator} --password ${password} ${select}
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tool overview