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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ledctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ledctl is a command line tool used for controlling the state of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) on Linux systems. It allows users to manage the functionality and behavior of LEDs that are present on various devices, such as keyboards, network interface cards, and hard drives.

With ledctl, users can turn on or off LEDs, change their brightness levels, and select different LED trigger modes. It provides a simple and efficient way to customize the appearance and behavior of LEDs according to user preferences.

Ledctl works by interacting with the LED subsystem in the Linux kernel, which exposes the LED devices and their associated attributes. Users can discover the available LEDs and their capabilities using this tool, making it easier to configure LEDs for different purposes.

Through ledctl, users can also configure LED triggers, which are events or actions that control the behavior of LEDs. Examples of triggers include disk activity, network traffic, battery levels, or CPU utilization. This allows users to create dynamic and visually appealing LED displays that reflect various system activities.

Ledctl is especially useful in systems without a graphical user interface or in headless servers, where controlling LEDs through command line becomes the preferred method. It provides a convenient way to manage LED functionality without the need for graphical tools or manual configuration. Overall, ledctl offers flexibility, customization, and control over LED settings on Linux systems.

List of commands for ledctl:

  • ledctl:tldr:6cf73 ledctl: Turn off the "Locate" LED for specified device(s).
    $ sudo ledctl locate_off=${-dev-sda,-dev-sdb,---}
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  • ledctl:tldr:72ae0 ledctl: Turn on the "Locate" LED for specified device(s).
    $ sudo ledctl locate=${-dev-sda,-dev-sdb,---}
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  • ledctl:tldr:c8cb2 ledctl: Turn off the "Status" LED and "Failure" LED for specified device(s).
    $ sudo ledctl off=${-dev-sda,-dev-sdb,---}
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  • ledctl:tldr:e4126 ledctl: Turn off the "Status" LED, "Failure" LED and "Locate" LED for specified device(s).
    $ sudo ledctl normal=${-dev-sda,-dev-sdb,---}
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