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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool license. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "license" is a utility that helps manage software licenses in a command line environment. It offers various functionalities related to licensing, such as generating, validating, and managing licenses for software applications.

Using the "license" tool, developers can easily create license files required for deploying their software products. This helps protect their intellectual property and control the distribution and usage of their software. It provides a simple way to generate license keys, expiry dates, and other parameters.

In addition to generating licenses, the tool allows for the validation of licenses during the runtime of an application. It verifies the authenticity and validity of the license file, ensuring that only licensed users can access the software.

The "license" tool also includes functionality to manage licenses, such as adding, removing, or updating licenses for different users or systems. This makes it easier to maintain and track license usage across multiple installations.

Furthermore, the tool provides options to customize license parameters and restrictions, allowing developers to tailor the licenses to their specific requirements. It supports various licensing models, including trial licenses, subscription-based licenses, and perpetual licenses.

The "license" command line tool comes with extensive documentation and usage examples, making it easy to understand and integrate into existing workflows. It is also often accompanied by a software development kit (SDK) that enables developers to incorporate licensing functionality directly into their applications.

The tool supports multiple programming languages and platforms, allowing developers to use it across different environments. It can be utilized in both Windows and Unix-like operating systems, providing flexibility for different development teams.

By utilizing the "license" tool, developers can streamline the licensing process, ensure compliance, and protect their software from unauthorized usage. It offers a convenient and efficient way to manage licenses, providing developers with greater control over their software distribution and usage.

List of commands for license:

  • license:tldr:0c657 license: Generate a license with custom author name and year.
    $ license --name ${author} --year ${release_year} ${license_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • license:tldr:1390c license: Generate a license and save it to a file.
    $ license -o ${filename} ${license_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • license:tldr:8edbe license: Print a license to `stdout`, using the defaults (auto-detected author name, and current year).
    $ license ${license_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • license:tldr:b6077 license: List all available licenses.
    $ license ls
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview