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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lldb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LLDB is a command-line debugger tool that is used for debugging applications on various platforms, such as macOS, iOS, and Linux. LLDB stands for "Low-Level Debugger" and was developed by Apple. It provides a powerful and flexible environment for debugging and diagnosing issues in software. LLDB supports both C and C++ languages, as well as Objective-C, Objective-C++, and Swift languages. It allows developers to set breakpoints, inspect variables and memory, step through code, and examine the call stack during program execution. LLDB includes features like expression evaluation, thread debugging, memory analysis, and even scripting capabilities. One of the unique features of LLDB is its ability to perform Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, which allows developers to dynamically add or modify code during debugging sessions. LLDB also supports remote debugging, which enables developers to connect to and debug applications running on remote computers or devices. It has an extensible architecture that allows users to add custom commands and scripts to enhance the debugging experience. LLDB is widely used by developers and is especially popular among macOS and iOS developers due to its integration with Xcode IDE.

List of commands for lldb:

  • lldb:tldr:809f3 lldb: Attach `lldb` to a running process with a given PID.
    $ lldb -p ${pid}
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  • lldb:tldr:b4f03 lldb: Wait for a new process to launch with a given name, and attach to it.
    $ lldb -w -n ${process_name}
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  • lldb:tldr:eea05 lldb: Debug an executable.
    $ lldb ${executable}
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