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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lnav. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lnav is a powerful command line tool used for log file exploration and analysis. It stands for Log File Navigator, and its primary function is to make it easier to navigate, search, and analyze log files. It provides a simple yet effective text-based interface for handling log files.

Lnav automatically recognizes the log file format and applies the appropriate colorization, highlighting, and filtering to improve log readability. It supports different log formats, including syslog, Apache, MySQL, and more.

One of the key features of lnav is its ability to dynamically update log files in real-time, making it useful for monitoring and troubleshooting live systems. It allows you to easily filter logs based on various criteria like time, severity, or custom patterns.

Lnav has a broad range of navigation and filtering options, enabling users to quickly jump to specific log lines, search for keywords, or even build complex queries using regular expressions. It also provides intuitive shortcuts and keybindings to enhance the user experience.

Additionally, lnav has an integrated SQL-like query language called LogView queries, which allows users to perform advanced analytics and aggregations on log data. It can generate charts, histograms, and tables to visualize log statistics effectively.

Overall, lnav simplifies the log analysis process by providing a user-friendly interface and powerful features to efficiently explore log files.

List of commands for lnav:

  • lnav:tldr:0f45f lnav: View logs of a specific remote host (SSH passwordless login required).
    $ lnav ${ssh} ${user}@${host1-example-com}:${-var-log-syslog-log}
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  • lnav:tldr:47729 lnav: Validate the format of log files against the configuration and report any errors.
    $ lnav -C ${path-to-log_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • lnav:tldr:848b5 lnav: View logs of a program, specifying log files, directories or URLs.
    $ lnav ${select}
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tool overview