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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool loadtest. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Loadtest is a command line tool that allows you to perform load testing on your web applications. Developed using JavaScript, it is built on top of the popular Node.js runtime environment. With Loadtest, you can simulate a high amount of concurrent users accessing your website or API, allowing you to assess its performance under heavy loads.

This tool is highly customizable, providing you with various options to configure the load testing parameters according to your specific requirements. You can specify the number of total requests, the number of requests per second, the total duration, and more.

Loadtest also offers support for distributed load testing, meaning you can distribute the load across multiple machines, increasing the scale and accuracy of your tests. It supports both HTTP and WebSocket protocols, allowing you to test a wide range of applications.

The results of the load tests conducted using Loadtest are presented in a clear and well-organized manner, providing detailed statistics and real-time progress updates. These insights help you identify performance bottlenecks, response time fluctuations, and other crucial metrics.

Furthermore, Loadtest supports advanced features like rate limiting, custom HTTP headers, cookies, authentication, and SSL/TLS encryption. It also provides the ability to generate random or custom request data, enabling robust testing scenarios.

Loadtest can be easily integrated into your existing testing or development workflow through its command line interface or programmatically using its comprehensive API. Its extensive documentation and active community support make it a reliable tool for load testing web applications of any scale or complexity.

List of commands for loadtest:

  • loadtest:tldr:6ab67 loadtest: Run with concurrent users and a specified amount of requests per second.
    $ loadtest --concurrency ${10} --rps ${200} ${https:--example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • loadtest:tldr:7957e loadtest: Run with a specific HTTP method.
    $ loadtest --method ${GET} ${https:--example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • loadtest:tldr:ff40d loadtest: Run with a custom HTTP header.
    $ loadtest --headers "${accept:text-plain;text-html}" ${https:--example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview