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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool logoff. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Logoff is a command line tool in Windows operating systems used to terminate a user's session and log them out of the system. It is primarily used to end a user's session remotely or when working with multiple user accounts.

By executing the "logoff" command, the active user's session will be closed, terminating all running processes associated with that session. This includes closing all open applications, files, and connections. The command ensures that any unsaved work is lost, so it's recommended to save all changes before logging off.

The "logoff" command can be executed with additional parameters, such as specifying a specific session ID or logging off a remote session on a different machine. It requires administrative privileges to log off another user or remote session.

Using the logoff command is usually helpful when managing a system remotely, troubleshooting issues with user sessions, or terminating a user's session without physically accessing the computer. It allows system administrators to maintain control over user sessions and ensure system security.

List of commands for logoff:

  • logoff:tldr:92c0f logoff: Terminate the current session.
    $ logoff
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • logoff:tldr:b2661 logoff: Terminate a session on a specific server connected through RDP.
    $ logoff ${select} /server:${servername}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • logoff:tldr:f2bd6 logoff: Terminate a session by its name or id.
    $ logoff ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview