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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool logwatch. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Logwatch is a powerful command-line tool used for analyzing and monitoring log files generated by various applications and services on Linux and Unix-based systems. It is designed to provide administrators with a concise and organized summary of log activities.

With Logwatch, users can easily generate daily or weekly reports that include detailed information about system logs, such as authentication attempts, successful or failed logins, file modifications, network connections, and more.

By parsing log files and applying customizable filters, Logwatch can eliminate irrelevant details and focus on critical events. It supports a wide range of log formats and can be configured to monitor specific log files and directories.

Logwatch also provides options for email notifications, allowing administrators to receive reports directly in their inbox. It offers flexibility in filtering, scheduling, and customizing report formats to match specific requirements.

The tool is highly extensible, allowing users to create custom scripts and plugins to monitor unique log sources or add new functionalities. Its simplicity and efficiency make it a popular choice for administrators who need a streamlined approach to log analysis and monitoring.

List of commands for logwatch:

  • logwatch:tldr:ec7c0 logwatch: Restrict report to only include information for a selected service.
    $ logwatch --range ${all} --service ${select}
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  • logwatch:tldr:fc309 logwatch: Analyze logs for a range of dates at a certain level of detail.
    $ logwatch --range ${select} --detail ${select1}'
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tool overview