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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "lr" is a simple tool that allows users to list the contents of a directory in a recursive manner. It stands for "list recursively," and is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems.

With the "lr" command, users can display the files and subdirectories within a specified directory, including all the files and directories within its subdirectories. It provides a convenient way to explore the hierarchical structure of a directory and view its contents in a comprehensive manner.

By default, the "lr" command shows the directory listing in a detailed format, displaying information such as file permissions, owner, group, size, and modification date for each file and directory. This detailed output helps users gather more information about each file and directory in a concise manner.

The "lr" command also supports various options to customize the output. Users can specify options like "-l" to display the listing in long format, "-R" to show the directory listing recursively, "-a" to display hidden files, and more.

One useful feature of "lr" is that it provides colorized output by default, making it easier to visually distinguish between different types of files and directories. For example, directories may be displayed in a different color compared to regular files or symbolic links.

The syntax for using the "lr" command is straightforward: it requires the command name "lr" followed by the directory path for which the listing is desired. If no directory path is provided, the current working directory is assumed.

Overall, the "lr" command is a handy tool for quickly exploring and inspecting the contents of directories in a recursive manner, allowing users to efficiently navigate through file systems and gain insights into the structure of their file hierarchy.

List of commands for lr:

tool overview