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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lrunzip. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


lrunzip is a command line tool designed to decompress or unzip files in various formats. It is commonly used on Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux. The tool allows users to extract files from ZIP archives, which are compressed files that can contain multiple files and directories.

With lrunzip, users can easily unzip these archives and retrieve the files stored within them. It supports various compression algorithms, including DEFLATE, which is commonly used in ZIP archives. This means it can extract files compressed using different methods, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of archives.

lrunzip offers a simple and straightforward syntax, allowing users to quickly specify the source ZIP file and the destination directory for the extracted files. It also provides options to list the contents of an archive without extracting them and to display the progress of the extraction process.

The tool is lightweight and efficient, consuming minimal system resources while performing its operations. It is often used in scripts or automated processes to unzip files in a batch or unattended manner. Overall, lrunzip is a reliable command line tool for decompressing files from ZIP archives on Unix-like systems.

List of commands for lrunzip:

  • lrunzip:tldr:32780 lrunzip: Decompress a file and silently overwrite files if they exist.
    $ lrunzip -f ${filename-lrz}
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  • lrunzip:tldr:80f20 lrunzip: Keep broken or damaged files instead of deleting them when decompressing.
    $ lrunzip -K ${filename-lrz}
    try on your machine
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  • lrunzip:tldr:8393d lrunzip: Decompress a file.
    $ lrunzip ${filename-lrz}
    try on your machine
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  • lrunzip:tldr:932fb lrunzip: Specify output file name and/or path.
    $ lrunzip -o ${outfilename} ${filename-lrz}
    try on your machine
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  • lrunzip:tldr:cd6f9 lrunzip: Decompress a file using a specific number of processor threads.
    $ lrunzip -p ${8} ${filename-lrz}
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tool overview