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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lrzuntar. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


lrzuntar is a command line tool that is used for extracting and decompressing files that have been compressed using the LRP algorithm. It is commonly used for handling files with a ".lzo" extension.

The tool allows users to easily uncompress and untar files in a single step, simplifying the extraction process. It supports both single and multiple file extraction, making it versatile for handling various types of archives.

lrzuntar is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux, and is often leveraged in scenarios where efficiency and speed are crucial. It is known for its fast extraction speed, making it ideal for large archives that need to be decompressed quickly.

The tool maintains file mode, owner, and timestamps during the extraction process, ensuring the integrity of the extracted files. It also provides options to overwrite existing files, preserve symlinks, and exclude files/directories from extraction, offering flexibility in handling different extraction requirements.

lrzuntar is a reliable and efficient command line tool that simplifies the extraction and decompression of LRP compressed files, making it a valuable asset for users working extensively with such archives.

List of commands for lrzuntar:

  • lrzuntar:tldr:3461a lrzuntar: Decompress from a file to the current directory using a specific number of processor threads.
    $ lrzuntar -p ${8} ${path-to-archive-tar-lrz}
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  • lrzuntar:tldr:37b2a lrzuntar: Specify the output path.
    $ lrzuntar -O ${path-to-directory} ${archive-tar-lrz}
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  • lrzuntar:tldr:b69a0 lrzuntar: Delete the compressed file after decompression.
    $ lrzuntar -D ${path-to-archive-tar-lrz}
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