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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lscpu. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lscpu is a command line tool available on Linux systems that provides detailed information about the CPU architecture and its capabilities. When executed, lscpu displays various CPU-related details including the vendor, model name, and CPU family. It also reveals the number of CPU cores, threads per core, and total threads. Furthermore, it presents information on CPU frequencies, cache sizes, and maximum addressable memory.

Lscpu is helpful for system administrators and developers to understand the characteristics of the CPU in a system. By examining the CPU capabilities, they can optimize their applications or perform hardware-related tasks accordingly. Lscpu can be used to determine if the CPU is 32-bit or 64-bit, its endianness, and the supported instruction sets such as MMX, SSE, or AVX.

Additionally, lscpu provides insights into NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) characteristics if the system has a NUMA architecture. It offers details on the distance between nodes, the number of nodes, and their memory channels. This information is valuable in optimizing memory access patterns for better performance.

In summary, lscpu is a versatile command line tool that provides comprehensive information about the CPU, helping users understand and utilize the capabilities of the hardware effectively.

List of commands for lscpu:

tool overview