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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lxi. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LXI is a command-line tool used for managing and controlling LXI (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation) compatible instruments. It provides a simplified interface for performing various tasks related to instrument control, such as querying instrument capabilities, setting instrument parameters, and retrieving instrument data.

With LXI, users can easily communicate with LXI instruments over Ethernet, making it ideal for remote instrument control and automation. It supports various common instrument protocols like SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) and VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture).

The tool can be used for discovering available LXI instruments on the network, listing their details, and establishing communication with them. It allows users to send custom commands to instruments and receive responses for further analysis.

LXI supports both interactive mode, where each command is entered manually, and script mode, where a set of commands can be executed sequentially from a script file. This makes it convenient for both interactive use and automated testing or data acquisition scenarios.

Moreover, LXI is open-source and available on platforms supporting Python, allowing users to modify and extend its functionality according to their requirements. It provides flexible and powerful instrument control capabilities in a command-line environment, presenting a useful tool for engineers, researchers, and developers working with LXI compatible instruments.

List of commands for lxi:

  • lxi:tldr:38e30 lxi: Capture a screenshot, detecting a plugin automatically.
    $ lxi screenshot --address ${ip_address}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lxi:tldr:4a0d4 lxi: Send an SCPI command to an instrument.
    $ lxi scpi --address ${ip_address} "${*IDN?}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lxi:tldr:632b6 lxi: Discover LXI devices on available networks.
    $ lxi discover
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lxi:tldr:8ba76 lxi: Capture a screenshot using a specified plugin.
    $ lxi screenshot --address ${ip_address} --plugin ${rigol-1000z}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lxi:tldr:c136a lxi: Run a benchmark for request and response performance.
    $ lxi benchmark --address ${ip_address}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview