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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lxterminal. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LXTerminal is a command-line tool primarily used in Linux operating systems. It is a terminal emulator that provides a text-based interface for users to interact with the system. LXTerminal is based on the VTE widget and aims to be lightweight and efficient, catering to systems with lower resources. The tool provides essential features like multiple tabs, configurable fonts, colors, and keyboard shortcuts to enhance user experience. It also supports copy-paste functionality, application-specific commands, and integration with other desktop environments. LXTerminal is commonly used by advanced users and system administrators to execute commands, run scripts, manage files, and perform various system tasks efficiently. Additionally, it can be customized and extended using configuration files and plugins for more personalized usage.

List of commands for lxterminal:

  • lxterminal:tldr:0d524 lxterminal: Open an LXTerminal window with multiple tabs.
    $ lxterminal --tabs=${tab_name1,tab_name2,---}
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  • lxterminal:tldr:1fc45 lxterminal: Open an LXTerminal window.
    $ lxterminal
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  • lxterminal:tldr:55ff2 lxterminal: Open an LXTerminal window with a specific working directory.
    $ lxterminal --working-directory=${path-to-directory}
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  • lxterminal:tldr:b7372 lxterminal: Open an LXTerminal window with a specific title.
    $ lxterminal --title=${title_name}
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  • lxterminal:tldr:d3126 lxterminal: Open an LXTerminal window, run a command, and then exit.
    $ lxterminal -e "${command}"
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