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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lynx. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lynx is a command line web browser that allows users to browse the internet in a text-only mode. It was first developed in 1992, making it one of the oldest web browsers still in use. Lynx does not support graphics or multimedia elements, focusing solely on text-based content. It can be used on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Unlike modern web browsers, Lynx does not use a graphical interface and instead relies on command prompts and keyboard shortcuts for navigation. It supports HTML and related web standards, allowing users to access and interact with web pages that are relatively simple in design. Because it does not load images or execute scripts, Lynx is often used for accessing websites with slow internet connections or reading text-based content in a distraction-free manner. Being a terminal-based browser, Lynx is popular among command line enthusiasts, developers, and those who prefer a minimalistic browsing experience. It can display web pages in a linear format, making it easier to read text content and navigate through links. Lynx also has useful features like bookmarks, tabbed browsing, and a customizable keymap for enhancing user experience.

List of commands for lynx:

  • lynx:tldr:260bc lynx: Open a link, using a specific file to read and write cookies.
    $ lynx -cookie_file=${filename} ${example-com}
    try on your machine
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  • lynx:tldr:9dad3 lynx: Visit a website.
    $ lynx ${example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lynx:tldr:aef39 lynx: Turn on mouse support, if available.
    $ lynx -use_mouse ${example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lynx:tldr:bf887 lynx: Apply restrictions for anonymous account.
    $ lynx -anonymous ${example-com}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lynx:tldr:cbea2 lynx: Force color mode on, if available.
    $ lynx -color ${example-com}
    try on your machine
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