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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lzop. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


LZOP is a command line tool used for file compression and decompression. It is primarily designed for the Linux operating system, but it can also be used on other UNIX-like systems.

LZOP stands for "Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer Pack" and is based on the LZO data compression algorithm developed by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer.

It offers high-speed compression and decompression, making it suitable for systems with limited resources or time-sensitive operations. It uses a fast, lossless compression algorithm that achieves good compression ratios.

LZOP works by replacing repeated sequences of characters with shorter codes, reducing the overall file size. It preserves the original file structure and can compress multiple files into a single archive.

One of the key features of LZOP is its ability to compress and decompress files in a streaming fashion, allowing it to process data as it is being generated. This makes it useful for tasks such as real-time data compression or network transmission.

LZOP can be easily integrated into various workflows and scripts through its simple command line interface. It supports different compression levels, allowing users to balance between speed and compression ratio.

The compressed files created by LZOP have the ".lzo" extension, making them easily identifiable. These files can be decompressed back to their original form using the same LZOP tool.

LZOP is often used in conjunction with other tools and programs to compress or package files. It is commonly used with tar to create compressed tar archives or with the rsync utility for efficient file synchronization over a network.

Due to its speed and efficient resource utilization, LZOP is a popular choice for compressing system backups, log files, and large data sets. It is also commonly used in embedded systems or devices with limited storage capabilities.

List of commands for lzop:

  • lzop:tldr:04e18 lzop: Compress a file, while specifying the compression level. 0 = Worst, 9 = Best (Default level is 3).
    $ lzop -${level} ${filename}
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  • lzop:tldr:7f68e lzop: Decompress a file.
    $ lzop -d ${filename}.lzo
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  • lzop:tldr:d869a lzop: Compress a file into a new file with the `.lzo` suffix.
    $ lzop ${filename}
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